Here are some letters from the parents and students of the International Sahaj School at Canajoharie...
"We are writing this email with our hearts filled with lots of thanks and gratitude for all the staff of Canajoharie school. Our son... has come back transformed... He is behaving so nicely, eating everything, and above all, meditating very nicely. He is all through the day singing… and enjoying everything. Thanks again for all the love and care that all the staff gave to him."
"The dedication and love of the teachers and aunties at the school was simply amazing"
"We are so grateful... for the Sahaja School... Children need a strong spiritual foundation to be future leaders. They are being raised there just like in ancient Indian schools, or 'Gurukuls'. All the aspects: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional are taken care of in the lap of Mother nature. Aunties & Teachers are extremely loving, caring & balanced. They are doing this great job joyfully. And of course emphasis on academics is excellent. I highly recommend the school to all the parents."
" As I was preparing to pick up my child from the school I wondered if all the detachment I had to go through was worth it, if I had made the right choice. When I saw him, my every doubt vanished. There he was, emitting so much joy, so balanced, so happy. For the first time I did not see him as just my child but I felt the presence of his spirit."
"Someone once commented that the kids who attend Sahaj schools would all grow up to be diplomats. During our son's first semester in Canajoharie, when he was four, we asked him who his friends were. "Everyone's my friend," he replied, as if wondering why we had even asked the question. One of the most joyous things is to hear him suddenly humming or singing a song to himself that he had learned at school... Here's one for the front page: "He eats everything now!" exclaims delighted mother. It's true, his [fussiness] disappeared and now he even eats salads. Thanks for the opportunity to share these little moments. We are looking forward to many more."
- past student, age 9